• 5G promises to usher in the next generation of consumer, enterprise, and industrial technology. Among the other profound benefits it offers the global economy, 5G will realize the vision and potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). Advancements in 5G technology are expected to enable exponential growth in accessible autonomy and smarter infrastructure that will likely become foundational to our way of life over the next decade and beyond. 

    • However, increased reliance on new technologies brings with it new threats. The possibility of a smart city shutting down, autonomous vehicles crashing, or factories going dark due to a cyber attack is a frightening proposition. 5G technology is a complex system involving hundreds of vendors, winding global supply chains, and the gamut of security threats. Thus, national security, global trade, and international competitiveness are all potentially impacted. If suppliers of 5G technology were to have secret or overt access to the infrastructure they are providing, there is considerable concern that they could be persuaded to use that access as leverage in times of peace, or perhaps something far more ominous in times of conflict. Compounding thi

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