• Intersecting People, Process & Trust for 
  • Successful AI Applications
    • What is happening here? According to Fortune Business Insights Research, the global AI market is projected to reach USD $202.6 billion by 2026 for a CAGR of 33.1%. A related study by McKinsey shows that 67% of companies have accelerated artificial intelligence investments to prepare for the post-pandemic “new normal”. So far, so good. Yet, while 45% of CIO’s say they are adopting AI technologies, 80% of AI projects fail to make it into production due to critical issues involving various persons involved with AI development, legacy business processes and the validity of the data being gathered & utilized.

      This paper explores the specific reasons for failed AI projects and describes how CognitiveScale is intersecting people, process and trust to ensure successful AI projects. It begins with an overview, then addresses Healthcare in terms of Program Integrity and Telehealth.

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