On-Premises to Cloud

The recent global pandemic has necessitated a new mode of remote work, and post-COVID forecasts are pointing to more flexible workplace environments and policies. A Gartner study reveals that 48% of employees will continue to work remotely at least part-time as
offices reopen.
IT teams continue to prove their mettle, enabling flexible work, while a traditional, on-premises deployment for virtual apps and desktops reaches its physical capacity limit. A LogicMonitor Cloud 2025 Survey reveals that 87% of enterprises will accelerate their cloud migration in the near future.
Citrix Workspace, with expanded intelligent features and capabilities, helps your IT teams deliver optimal employee experiences, for every type of worker— whether they’re at the office, at home, or back on the road. Give them secure access to apps, files and data— everything workers need for peak productivity, where and when they need it—all leveraged from within your existing infrastructure.
In this paper, we’ll guide you through the landscape of Workspace, past, present and future. You’ll get practical, incremental steps to scale your Workspace deployment into an ever-ready state to seamlessly deliver the future of work.

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