
Most organizations today rely on virtualized IT infrastructures. Veeam® helps them to provide and increase Availability of critical workloads running on their systems. Due to various factors, including complex hardware configurations and regulatory compliance regulations, some physical servers cannot be virtualized, along with endpoints (workstations and notebook computers) that might not be protectable in their entirety by leveraging back-up solutions built for virtualized systems. Thus, everyday occurrences such as lapses in connectivity, hardware failures, file corruption, ransomware or even theft can leave an organization’s data at risk. 
Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows solves these issues by closing the gap that some enterprises face with large, heterogeneous environments and further enabling workload mobility by delivering Availability for cloud-based workloads. And this is not limited to physical systems! Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows can also handle virtual machines and applications that, for example, do not support a hypervisor snapshot, or for any other reason cannot be protected on the virtualization layer. 

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