Red Hat Enterprise Linux for edge computing

Enterprises are shifting towards edge computing as part of their digital transformation journey to the hybrid cloud. Part of this shift allows enterprises to run and maintain their business and innovate rapidly because of the influx of data creation and consumption at the source. Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides a consistent, flexible, and security-focused foundation that maximizes system stability with workload independence at the edge.
Features and benefits Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the leading Linux platform and is built with edge capabilities to address enterprise edge deployments on small footprints—ranging from high performance systems, such as carrier grade servers with latency sensitive workloads, to scaling across many remote sites on lightweight hardware with limited or unreliable connectivity. Red Hat Enterprise Linux handles workloads requiring long-term stability, supportability, and enhanced security across a broad hardware ecosystem—ensuring delivery of services faster and more consistently across the data center to the edge. Organizations using Red Hat Enterprise Linux reduce operational costs while maintaining stability and interoperability with core systems. This allows you to maximize the value of in-house skills and focus on the business impact of your data and workloads.

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