Replacing Legacy BPM: Solution Selection Factors

The BPM field is undergoing a fundamental shift that affects how companies approach process management. As businesses demand more flexibility and agility in BPM, reliance on traditional BPM systems is causing organizational strain. The older systems tend to be proprietary. They’re relatively slow and costly to change — the domain of expert users. BPM projects tend to take longer than anyone expects, and may prove difficult to adapt as the business environment inevitably shifts over time.
Instead, businesses want to meet customer demand by quickly designing and implementing processes. To remain competitive, they then want to modify workflows easily and at high speed. For example, as a Technical Manager at a comms service provider observed, “The environment where we work is very dynamic and is changing a lot. We need to constantly go around the dependencies and change things back and forth.”
These new preferences are causing companies to rethink their commitments to legacy BPM platforms in favor of a new generation of lighter, faster and more agile process automation solutions. This paper examines the current BPM landscape and reasons why organizations are moving away from a legacy BPM solution, and offers key considerations for choosing a new process automation tool. It is based on real user experiences with Camunda, as described on IT Central Station. Key issues include ease of use, flexibility and the potential for collaboration. Use of open architectures and APIs are also factors in the selection of a replacement BPM solution.

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