The business value of Services Automation

  • The right solution will mitigate most—if not all—disruption your services organization might be facing (or will be facing soon).
    • Improved visibility across all professional services functions, including intake, execu-tion, and ongoing management of 
    the client lifecycle 
    • Centralized database for project revenue and cost data 
    • Standardized processes for opportunity, resource, and project management 
    • Automated workflow for financial management and accurate invoicing 
    • Real-time reporting and analytics for visibility into engagement status and improved commu¬nication to stakeholders 
    • Centralized management of information for a seamless audit trail 
    • Improved financial management support through multicurrency and multilingual ap-plications that support localized tax 
    • Reduced manual data entry and elimination of spreadsheets to lower administrative costs and upkeep

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