Kubernetes development is increasingly attracting DevOps teams. According to the CNCF, the worldwide number of cloud-native developers jumped almost 38% from 4.7 to 6.5 million in 2020! 
It allows developers to deliver faster, more agile, lower-cost development; easier management; and better customer service. Plus, it helps avoid vendor lock-in by creating apps that can seamlessly move among different cloud platforms. 
Interestingly, though, a fall 2020 report found that nearly half of IT professionals have delayed rolling out at least some containers and Kubernetes (K8s) applications because of concerns related to resiliency and data protection. 
So, how do you go about choosing a cloud-native data protection solution that can provide backup integrity in these dynamic environments? This eBook covers the top 10 requirements for cloud-native data protection for Kubernetes.

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